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Use a CASE statement in SQL
This assignment will ask you to modify an existing report to use the CASE statement.  Assume that you have created the following report of total sales for all bookstores:
STORE_NAME                BOOK_TITLE                          TOTAL_SALES      
------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------      
hot wet and sexy books    The zen of auto repair                 $369,815      
wee bee books             windows sucks                          $307,560      
books for dummies         windows sucks                          $279,600      
borders                   the willow weeps no more               $263,560      
quagmire books            managing stress                        $203,745      
hot wet and sexy books    piano greats                           $200,995      
specialty bookstore       piano greats                           $181,225      
borders                   DOS for dummies                        $177,555      
blue ride booksellers     managing stress                        $135,830      
hot wet and sexy books    writers market                         $126,225      
eaton books               pay no taxes and go to jail            $109,500      
ignoramus and dufus       piano greats                            $67,877      
hot wet and sexy books    pay no taxes and go to jail             $60,225      
books for dummies         the fall of microsoft                   $41,895      
wee bee books             operations research theory              $35,960      
barnes and Noble          windows sucks                           $34,950      
eaton books               piano greats                            $33,609      
borders                   writers market                          $32,130      
eaton books               oracle9i sql tuning                     $29,970      
quagmire books            bears are people too                    $27,960      
borders                   the fall of microsoft                   $27,930      
hot wet and sexy books    DOS for dummies                         $27,930      
books for dummies         piano greats                            $26,360      
barnes and Noble          reduce spending the republican way      $25,155      
wee bee books             reduce spending the republican way      $25,155      
borders                   managing stress                         $23,970      
wee bee books             the willow weeps no more                $23,960      
blue ride booksellers     UNIX for experts                        $23,370      
wee bee books             writers market                          $22,950      
hot wet and sexy books    operations research theory              $22,475      
hot wet and sexy books    UNIX for experts                        $19,475      
ignoramus and dufus       zero loss finance                       $18,658      
hot wet and sexy books    zero loss finance                       $17,560      
borders                   bears are people too                    $17,475      
quagmire books            reduce spending the republican way      $16,770      
blue ride booksellers     the fall of microsoft                   $15,960      
quagmire books            DOS for dummies                         $15,960      
quagmire books            piano greats                            $13,180      
wee bee books             piano greats                            $13,180      
wee bee books             zero loss finance                       $13,170      
books for dummies         bears are people too                    $10,485      
ignoramus and dufus       windows sucks                           $10,485      
eaton books               The zen of auto repair                   $9,995      
wee bee books             The zen of auto repair                   $9,995      
ignoramus and dufus       The zen of auto repair                   $9,995      
books for dummies         pay no taxes and go to jail              $7,665      
books for dummies         writers market                           $6,885      
books for dummies         non violins in the workplace             $5,975      
hot wet and sexy books    non violins in the workplace             $5,975      
barnes and Noble          the willow weeps no more                 $5,391      
barnes and Noble          oracle9i sql tuning                      $4,995      
borders                   oracle9i sql tuning                      $4,995       
books for dummies         oracle9i sql tuning                      $4,995      
wee bee books             oracle9i sql tuning                      $4,995      
specialty bookstore       oracle9i sql tuning                      $4,995      
eaton books               operations research theory               $4,495      
ignoramus and dufus       operations research theory               $4,495      
borders                   reduce spending the republican way       $4,193      
books for dummies         managing stress                          $3,995      
hot wet and sexy books    the fall of microsoft                    $3,990      
ignoramus and dufus       DOS for dummies                          $3,990      
books for dummies         UNIX for experts                         $3,895      
eaton books               UNIX for experts                         $3,895      
wee bee books             UNIX for experts                         $3,895      
specialty bookstore       DOS for dummies                          $3,591      
blue ride booksellers     bears are people too                     $3,495      
quagmire books            windows sucks                            $3,495      
eaton books               bears are people too                     $3,495      
specialty bookstore       the willow weeps no more                 $2,995      
blue ride booksellers     reduce spending the republican way       $2,795      
specialty bookstore       reduce spending the republican way       $2,795       
blue ride booksellers     writers market                           $2,295      
quagmire books            writers market                           $2,295      
blue ride booksellers     DOS for dummies                          $1,995      
blue ride booksellers     non violins in the workplace             $1,195      
wee bee books             non violins in the workplace             $1,195      
eaton books               non violins in the workplace             $1,195      
blue ride booksellers     pay no taxes and go to jail              $1,095      
specialty bookstore       pay no taxes and go to jail              $1,095      
borders                   piano greats                               $330      
80 rows selected.
Here is your original SQL:
col store_name  format a25
col book_title  format a35
col total_sales format $999,999
   sum(quantity)*book_retail_price total_sales
   store.store_key = sales.store_key
   sales.book_key = book.book_key
group by
order by
   total_sales desc
Your assignment is to modify this report and display text based upon the total dollar sales for each book.  For the total_sales column, change the display as follows:
  • Books with total sales greater than $100,000, display “Best Seller”
  • Books with total sales between $10,000 and $99,999 display “Average Seller”
  • Books with sales less than $10,000 display “Poor Seller”
Your report should look like this:
SALES           STORE_NAME                BOOK_TITLE                TOTAL_SALES
--------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -----------
Best Seller     hot wet and sexy books    The zen of auto repair       $369,815
                wee bee books             windows sucks                $307,560
                books for dummies         windows sucks                $279,600
                borders                   the willow weeps no more     $263,560
                quagmire books            managing stress              $203,745
                hot wet and sexy books    piano greats                 $200,995
                specialty bookstore       piano greats                 $181,225
                borders                   DOS for dummies              $177,555
                blue ride booksellers     managing stress              $135,830
                hot wet and sexy books    writers market               $126,225
                eaton books               pay no taxes and go to ja    $109,500
Average Seller  ignoramus and dufus       piano greats                  $67,877
                hot wet and sexy books    pay no taxes and go to ja     $60,225
                books for dummies         the fall of microsoft         $41,895
                wee bee books             operations research theor     $35,960
                barnes and Noble          windows sucks                 $34,950
                eaton books               piano greats                  $33,609
                borders                   writers market                $32,130
                eaton books               oracle9i sql tuning           $29,970
                quagmire books            bears are people too          $27,960
                borders                   the fall of microsoft         $27,930
                hot wet and sexy books    DOS for dummies               $27,930
                books for dummies         piano greats                  $26,360
                barnes and Noble          reduce spending the repub     $25,155
                                          lican way                            
                wee bee books             reduce spending the repub     $25,155
                                          lican way                            
                borders                   managing stress               $23,970
                wee bee books             the willow weeps no more      $23,960
                blue ride booksellers     UNIX for experts              $23,370
                wee bee books             writers market                $22,950
                hot wet and sexy books    operations research theor     $22,475
                hot wet and sexy books    UNIX for experts              $19,475
                ignoramus and dufus       zero loss finance             $18,658
                hot wet and sexy books    zero loss finance             $17,560
                borders                   bears are people too          $17,475
                quagmire books            reduce spending the repub     $16,770
                                          lican way                            
                blue ride booksellers     the fall of microsoft         $15,960
                quagmire books            DOS for dummies               $15,960
                quagmire books            piano greats                  $13,180
                wee bee books             piano greats                  $13,180
                wee bee books             zero loss finance             $13,170
                books for dummies         bears are people too          $10,485
                ignoramus and dufus       windows sucks                 $10,485
Poor Seller     eaton books               The zen of auto repair         $9,995
                wee bee books             The zen of auto repair         $9,995
                ignoramus and dufus       The zen of auto repair         $9,995
                books for dummies         pay no taxes and go to ja      $7,665
                books for dummies         writers market                 $6,885
                books for dummies         non violins in the workpl      $5,975
                hot wet and sexy books    non violins in the workpl      $5,975
                barnes and Noble          the willow weeps no more       $5,391
                barnes and Noble          oracle9i sql tuning            $4,995
                borders                   oracle9i sql tuning            $4,995
                books for dummies         oracle9i sql tuning            $4,995
                wee bee books             oracle9i sql tuning            $4,995
                specialty bookstore       oracle9i sql tuning            $4,995
                eaton books               operations research theor      $4,495
                ignoramus and dufus       operations research theor      $4,495
                borders                   reduce spending the repub      $4,193
                                          lican way                            
                books for dummies         managing stress                $3,995
                hot wet and sexy books    the fall of microsoft          $3,990
                ignoramus and dufus       DOS for dummies                $3,990
                books for dummies         UNIX for experts               $3,895
                eaton books               UNIX for experts               $3,895
                wee bee books             UNIX for experts               $3,895
                specialty bookstore       DOS for dummies                $3,591
                blue ride booksellers     bears are people too           $3,495
                quagmire books            windows sucks                  $3,495
                eaton books               bears are people too           $3,495
                specialty bookstore       the willow weeps no more       $2,995
                blue ride booksellers     reduce spending the repub      $2,795
                                          lican way                            
                specialty bookstore       reduce spending the repub      $2,795
                                          lican way                            
                blue ride booksellers     writers market                 $2,295
                quagmire books            writers market                 $2,295
                blue ride booksellers     DOS for dummies                $1,995
                blue ride booksellers     non violins in the workpl      $1,195
                wee bee books             non violins in the workpl      $1,195
                eaton books               non violins in the workpl      $1,195
                blue ride booksellers     pay no taxes and go to ja      $1,095
                specialty bookstore       pay no taxes and go to ja      $1,095
                borders                   piano greats                     $330
80 rows selected.
col store_name format a25
col book_title format a25
col total_sales format $999,999
col sales format a15
break on sales skip 2
     when sum(quantity)*book_retail_price > 100000 then 'Best Seller'
     when sum(quantity)*book_retail_price < 10000  then 'Poor Seller'
     else 'Average Seller'
    end ) sales,
   sum(quantity)*book_retail_price total_sales
   store.store_key = sales.store_key
   sales.book_key = book.book_key
group by
order by
   total_sales desc

Note: These exercises may use the pubsdb.sql script that can be downloaded at this link.

For a complete overview of Oracle SQL, see the book "Easy Oracle SQL".  It's only $9.95 and has a downloadable code depot:


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