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EnterpriseDB Replication Server

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting

Replication is provided on a publish/subscribe model via the Replication Console for Oracle.  A publisher framework runs on the master database server and a subscribe framework runs on each subscriber. 

The replication console for Oracle to EnterpriseDB is Java based.  This means that the console and both the publisher and subscriber can be any version and can be running on any operating system with no specific hardware compatibility requirements. 

Replication requires user and schema object creation in both the Oracle instance and the EnterpriseDB database.  EnterpriseDB Replication is not an offline replication solution.  Active network connectivity is required between replicated instances.

The benefit of Oracle to EnterpriseDB replication is a hot standby instance that will allow reporting and data transfer (staging) for ETL processes.  You can take the load off your Oracle instances for a fraction of the price of running hot Oracle instances.

In Chapter 7, Oracle to EnterpriseDB Replication, I will configure replication between Oracle and EnterpriseDB.    I will provide a real world example of this in Chapter 9, TimeTraker.

EnterpriseDB Migration Toolset

The EnterpriseDB Migration Toolset is a feature of Developer Studio.  Developer Studio provides the ability to connect to both EnterpriseDB and Oracle databases.  While browsing an Oracle database, you have the option (right click) to migrate an object or objects to an EnterpriseDB database.

You can choose to migrate a single table (which can optionally migrate all of its indexes and triggers) or you can choose to migrate an entire schema which will migrate all of the objects in that container.

The migration toolset is a Java application that selects data out of the Oracle database and into an EnterpriseDB database.  When you select the object to be migrated, you choose the destination EnterpriseDB database, the schema name to use and which data delimiter to use.  The default delimiter is the pipe (|); you can change this delimiter should you choose to.

You can also choose a definition only migration.  This type of migration will only move the objects and no data.  In the Oracle world, this is sort of like an export with no data followed by an import.  Clean objects and no data.

In addition to manually selecting and migrating objects, you can choose to have a scheduled migration (called a snapshot).  This is one way to replicate schema changes as well as database data.

When you define a snapshot, you choose the target database and schema like an online migration but you also can set a frequency, either daily or at a set number of hours. 

We will cover the nitty gritty details of migrating an application in Chapter 8, Application Migration.

This is an excerpt from the book "EnterpriseDB: The Definitive Reference" by Rampant TechPress.

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