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Tuning SQL with Built-in Functions and Special Operators

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting

Oracle provides a wealth of non-ANSI built-in functions to improve the functionality of SQL statements to transform datatypes. These built-in functions, commonly called BIFs, are widely used to improve the ability of SQL to transform column datatypes for easier table access.

As you will learn, the main problem with the use of BIFs in SQL statements is that they can cause unnecessary full-table scans. The remedy to this problem is to rewrite the SQL without BIFs or add a function-based index to remove the large-table full-table scan.

This chapter has two areas, the use of the like and case statements, and the section on Oracle BIFs. Both of these areas are very important for a full knowledge of Oracle SQL tuning.

Using the like and case Clauses in SQL

While the case and like operators are not built-in functions, they are closely related and serve many of the same purposes as BIFs. You already know that BIFs can be made to use an index by creating a matching function-based index, but the behaviors of the like and case clauses are very subtle.

Let’s begin by looking at one of the most popular string conversion clauses, the like clause.

Using the like Clause in Oracle Queries

The like clause is one of the most popular SQL clauses because it can be used to easily extract a string anywhere in a text column. Because the like parameter is used so frequently, it is a great benefit to understand how Oracle can use indexes and alternative execution plans to service these types of queries.

As you know, the percent (%) operator is used with the like clause as a mask, and the % will match any character. For example, if we wanted all names containing “smith,” we could issue a query as follows:

   ename like '%smith%'

Here is the output. Note that "smith" can appear anywhere in the output. As you see, the like clause is a very useful tool for extracting substrings from textual column output.


But how can we get good Oracle SQL performance using the like clause? To answer this question, we must evaluate how the Oracle SQL optimizer uses indexes with the like clause.

Let’s begin by looking at a query that uses the like clause to find all employee names beginning with an “S”.

   ename like 'S%'

Here is the execution plan, and you see that our query was able to utilize the emp_ename index to service the query. This means that the Oracle SQL optimizer will recognize the like clause for indexing so long as the leading edge of the query is a literal value.

OPTIONS                        OBJECT_NAME                    POSITION
------------------------------ ---------------------------- ----------
RANGE SCAN                     EMP_ENAME                             1

However, the like operator will not work if a % is placed in the left-hand side of the query. Hence, the query that follows should not be able to use the index because there is a wildcard at the leading edge of the like clause format mask.

   ename like '%TH%'

Here is a surprise. While we might expect a full-table scan, we see an index full scan. This is because even though the SQL optimizer was not able to read the leading edge of the index, the index full scan can be used because the index nodes contain everything required to answer the query.

OPTIONS                        OBJECT_NAME                    POSITION
------------------------------ ---------------------------- ----------
FULL SCAN                      EMP_ENAME                             1

Next, let’s look at the SQL case statement and see how it can reduce the number of full-table scans.

This is an excerpt from "Oracle High-Performance SQL Tuning" by Donald K. Burleson, published by Oracle Press.

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