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Handy STATSPACK Shell Scripts

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting

(1)Handy STATSPACK Shell Scripts

Once you have become comfortable with the STATSPACK data collection, you may need some easy scripts that you can use to quickly get reports from STATSPACK. While the web site mentioned in the Preface contains dozens of STATSPACK scripts, let's look at one that is frequently used by the Remote DBA.

(2)A Quick Elapsed-Time STATSPACK Script

This is a great Korn shell script that shows the Oracle database behavior change between snapshots. This report is very handy if you get an end-user report of a performance problem and you want to capture details about what is happening right now. The script is called quick.ksh, and it will become one of the most frequently used of all the STATSPACK scripts.

The quick.ksh script will take an immediate snapshot, sleep for the period you specify, and then take another snapshot and produce an elapsed-time report. This is a very similar procedure to the old utlbstat/utlestat utilities, but it is much easier to execute and interpret the results.


L 3-18


# First, we must set the environment . . . .
ORACLE_HOME=`cat /etc/oratab|grep ^$ORACLE_SID:|cut -f2 -d':'`
export PATH

echo "Please enter the number of seconds between snapshots."
read elapsed

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus –s perfstat/perfstat<<!
execute statspack.snap;

sleep $elapsed

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus –s perfstat/perfstat<<!
execute statspack.snap;

   to_char(snap_time,' dd Mon YYYY HH24:mi:ss') 
   snap_id > (select max(snap_id)-2 from stats\$snapshot)


Now that we have captured two quick snapshots, we execute the rpt_last.sql script to give us a report on the important metrics. Let's take a close look at this SQL*Plus report. After completing the two snapshots, this script invokes rpt_last.sql, which is a STATSPACK script that always compares the last two snapshots in the database. The rpt_last.sql script is very valuable, and is included in the Oracle Press web site for these scripts. Here is a sample of the output from the rpt_last.sql script. This script will identify almost every possible cause of the performance problem.


L 3-19

This will identify any single file who's read I/O
is more than 10% of the total read I/O of the database.

The "hot" file should be examined, and the hot table/index
should be identified using STATSPACK.

- The busy file should be placed on a disk device with
"less busy" files to minimize read delay and channel

- If small file has a hot small table, place the table
in the KEEP pool

- If the file has a large-table full-table scan, place
the table in the RECYCLE pool and turn on parallel query
for the table.

MYDATE           FILE_NAME                                       READS
---------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------
2000-12-20 11    /u03/oradata/PROD/pod01.dbf                     1,766

This will identify any single file who's write I/O
is more than 10% of the total write I/O of the database.

The "hot" file should be examined, and the hot table/index
should be identified using STATSPACK.

- The busy file should be placed on a disk device with
"less busy" files to minimize write delay and channel

- If small file has a hot small table, place the table
in the KEEP pool


no rows selected

When the data buffer hit ratio falls below 90%, you
should consider adding to the db_block_buffer init.ora parameter


MYDATE            phys_writes BUFFER HIT RATIO                       
---------------- ------------ ----------------                       
20 Dec 11:23:47       101,888               91                       

1 row selected.

When there are high disk sorts, you should investigate
increasing sort_area_size, or adding indexes to force index_full scans


MYDATE           SORTS_MEMORY   SORTS_DISK           RATIO           
---------------- ------------ ------------ ---------------           
20 Dec 11:23:47           109            1  .0091743119266           

1 row selected.

When there is high I/O waits, disk bottlenecks may exist
Run iostats to find the hot disk and shuffle files to
remove the contention


no rows selected

Buffer Busy Waits may signal a high update table with too
few freelists. Find the offending table and add more freelists.


MYDATE           BUFFER_BUSY_WAIT                                    
---------------- ----------------                                    
20 Dec 11:23:47                20                                     

1 row selected.

High redo log space requests indicate a need to increase
the log_buffer parameter


no rows selected

Table fetch continued row indicates chained rows, or fetches of
long datatypes (long raw, blob)

Investigate increasing db_block_size or reorganizing tables
with chained rows.


MYDATE           TABLE_FETCH_CONTINUED_ROW                           
---------------- -------------------------                           
20 Dec 11:23:47                      1,551                            

1 row selected.

Enqueue Deadlocks indicate contention within the Oracle
shared pool.

Investigate increasing shared_pool_size


MYDATE           ENQUEUE_DEADLOCKS                                   
---------------- -----------------                                   
20 Dec 11:23:47                  0                                   

1 row selected.

Long-table full table scans can indicate a need to:

- Make the offending tables parallel query
(alter table xxx parallel degree yyy;)
- Place the table in the RECYCLE pool
- Build an index on the table to remove the FTS

To locate the table, run access.sql

See Oracle Magazine September 2000 issue for details

MYDATE                    FTS                                        
---------------- ------------                                        
20 Dec 11:23:47           148                                        

1 row selected.

Note that quick.ksh requires that you specify the ORACLE_SID, so that you can run it on a server that contains many Oracle instances. Also, you may need to change the location of the oratab file from /etc/ to /var/opt/oracle if you are running Solaris.

Analyzing STATSPACK tables:


spool ao.sql

set lines 150;
set pages 999;
set feedback off;
set heading off;

   'analyze table perfstat.'||table_name||' estimate statistics sample 5000 rows;'

   Remote DBA_tables
   table_name like 'STATS%'

   'analyze index perfstat.'||index_name||' compute statistics;'
   Remote DBA_indexes
   index_name like 'STATS%'

spool off;
set feedback on;


This script provides detailed information about all statistics from STATSPACK for reporting purposes.  However, note that adding statistics will cause the cost-based SQL optimizer to be invoked for your STATSPACK queries, and your execution plan may change after statistics are added to the STATSPACK tables.

This is an excerpt from "Oracle9i High Performance tuning with STATSPACK" by Oracle Press.

If you like Oracle tuning, you may enjoy the new book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference", over 900 pages of BC's favorite tuning tips & scripts. 

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts.

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