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Oracle tuning: Oracle and Expert Systems Technology

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting


SQL Optimizer Mode Defaults Quiz


What is a way to ensure that your SQL will not change access paths?

  1. Always use optimizer_mode=choose

  2. Place an ALTER SESSION command in all production SQL

  3. Use optimizer_mode=all_rows

  4. Place a hint after the SELECT statement

Correct Answer:



The correct answer is D, place a hint after the SELECT statement.  This is because a hint for always force the use of the optimizer of your choosing.  Question: What is the best way to ensure that your SQL will not change access paths?  A is incorrect because the “choose” mode is the most unreliable optimizer mode.  B is incorrect because it is not practical to add ALTER SESSION statements to production code.  C is incorrect because the all_rows hint may change the access path as the statistics for the tale and index change.


Which of the following were listed as ways to override the default optimizer mode? (Choose all that apply)

  1. Change the optimizer_mode in the init.ora file

  2. Use SQL*Plus for your SQL queries


  4. Add a hint to the SQL query

Correct Answer:

C, D


The correct answers are C, ALTER SESSION SET OPTIMIZER_MODE, and D, add a hint to the SQL query.  These are the only ways to change the default optimizer.  Question: Which of the following were listed as ways to override the default optimizer mode? (Choose all that apply)  A is incorrect because optimizer will change the default, not override it.  B is incorrect because SQL*Plus has no effect on the optimizer mode.



What hint would most likely be used by a cost-based OLTP query?

  1. All_rows

  2. First_rows_n

  3. choose

  4. rule

Correct Answer:



The correct answer is B, the first_rows_n hint.  This is because first_rows_n will return table rows data faster than the all_rows hint.  Question: What hint would most likely be used by a cost-based OLTP query?  A, C and D are incorrect because they are not the most appropriate for cost-base OLTP queries.


If you like Oracle tuning, see the book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference", with 950 pages of tuning tips and scripts. 

You can buy it direct from the publisher for 30%-off and get instant access to the code depot of Oracle tuning scripts.

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